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Mastering Integrated Information Lifecycle Management (ILM)

Mastering Integrated Information Lifecycle Management Gear, Compliance

The year 2020 saw an unprecedented level of data generation and duplication. COVID-19 and the shift to remote work created, copied, and used more data than expected. Data is vital for making informed decisions and improving business processes. However, the task of managing and regulating data is becoming more challenging due to the enormous quantity…

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Securing Your Data with Offsite Storage

offsite tape storage

In today’s highly regulated work environment, data is one of the most valuable assets a company can have. With the increasing threat of cyber attacks and data breaches, it is crucial for businesses to have a secure storage solution for their data. Offsite data storage is becoming a popular choice for companies looking to protect…

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The Future of Work: Embracing a Paperless Office Strategy

The Future of Work Embracing Paperless Office Strategy

In a world of automated electronic filing systems, the concept of a paperless office is becoming increasingly popular. With the rise of new technology and the push for sustainability, many businesses are embracing a paperless office strategy. But what exactly does this mean, and why is it important for the future of work? In this…

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The Significance of HIPAA-Compliant Medical Records Shredding

HIPAA Compliant Record Storage

In the highly regulated healthcare industry, the liability to ensure protected health information (PHI) is paramount. The role of safeguarding this crucial data cannot be understated for clinical staff members, medical office managers, health information management (HIM) directors, and more. Alongside electronic storage systems that house digital medical records, medical records shredding plays a vital…

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How Organizations Can Protect Personally Identifiable Information (PII)

How Organizations Can Protect PII

Every organization stores and uses personally identifiable information (PII), whether on its employees or customers. As enterprises collect, process, and store PII, they also inherit responsibility for protecting it. Doing so ensures the integrity of individuals’ identities while protecting your company’s reputation. PII can be compromised in a variety of ways. Digital files can be…

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Digitization: Why Outsourcing Is the Smart Solution

Digitization-Digital Transformation-Finger Touching Interface

Digitization has been a feature of the business landscape for several decades. However, within the past few years, organizations around the world have made digitizing paper documents a top priority—allowing them to provide their mobile and hybrid workforces with the information they need when they need it. Seemingly simple at first, digitization presents a complex…

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5 Benefits of Automating Your Accounts Payable Process

Accounts Payable Automation Benefits

The global pandemic brought about significant changes to various aspects of our daily lives, including our work arrangements. However, most office settings—be they virtual, hybrid, or in-office—have not been able to adapt their business processes accordingly. One area in this new normal that has proven to be challenging for most organizations is the accounts payable…

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Digital Transformation for Business: Mastering the Journey

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In the current era of digital transformation, reinventing your company and staying ahead of the competition can be an uphill climb. To succeed, businesses must persistently navigate a landscape of ever-changing regulations, evolving technologies, shifting talent requirements, and dynamic customer demands. Avoiding digitization entirely is no longer a feasible strategy. For businesses and their leaders…

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